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Call This a Party!   (someone, no one, etc.)

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I know so many people who just don't know how to enjoy themselves. They have no idea. Take this guy, for example. He's at a party where he doesn't know too many people. What a perfect opportunity to make some new friends. But no! This is what the guy is thinking as the evening progresses.

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Instructions:  Fill the blanks with the missing words by clicking on the correct word from the list.
Click once to check response, click again to clear message.

1. I'm going to enjoy this party. I don't know () at all, but I'm going to have fun.    
   a)    somebody
b)    anybody
c)    nobody
Click once to check response. Click again to clear.

2. Hey, there's () that I know. He's in my Computer Science class.
   a)    somebody
b)    anybody
c)    nobody

3. I think I'll go talk to him. He doesn't seem to be with () in particular. He's probably alone, like me.     
   a)    someone
b)    anyone
c)    no one
d)    everyone

4. No. Maybe not. If he's all alone, then () is ignoring him, probably because he's very boring.
   a)    somebody
b)    anybody
c)    nobody
d)    everybody

5. That's a nice-looking woman over there. I should go over and talk to her. No, I don't think so. She's probably very vain and has () interesting to say. I know her type. I'll keep my distance.
   a)    something
b)    anything
c)    nothing
c)    everything

6. I need a drink. I think I'll head to the kitchen. There must be () beer or something in the fridge.   
   a)    some
b)    any
c)    no

7. That's strange. There's () beer in the fridge. What is one supposed to drink in this stupid party?   
   a)    some
b)    any
c)    no

8. Ah! There's the beer, over there, in the corner. () had the sense to put it in the fridge. Now it's probably very warm.   
   a)    Someone
b)    Anyone
c)    No one
d)    Everyone

9. The music's not very good. () should change it. Let's get some action here.   
   a)    Somebody
b)    Anybody
c)    Nobody
d)    Everybody

10. Finally! Some good music. But why isn't () dancing? Don't people know how to have fun anymore?   
   a)    someone
b)    anyone
b)    no one

11. Hey! That woman's looking at me. I wonder if there is () else interested in me. After all, I am kind of cute.
   a)    someone
b)    anyone
c)    no one
d)    everyone

12. No, there's () who really turns me on. Too bad! But the evening is still young. I'm not giving up.   
   a)    somebody
b)    anybody
c)    nobody

13. I'm really hungry. I don't see () food. What kind of party is this?   
   a)    some
b)    any
c)    no

14. No food! Warm beer! () seems to know how to organize decent parties anymore.   
   a)    Somebody
b)    Anybody
c)    Nobody
b)    Everybody

15. I don't want to stay here. There must be () more interesting than this.    
   a)    somewhere
b)    anywhere
c)    nowhere
d)    everywhere

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