ESL Blues Error Finder Quiz 9b

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1. Choose the best possible response:

A: Why _____ no one _____ to go out with him?
B: Because he is selfish and talks about himself all the time.

2. Choose the best possible response:

A: Let's go. ________ nothing here that interests me.
B: Hang on a minute. There are a few things here that I like.

3. Choose the best possible response:

A: Excuse me! _____ a bank or an ATM machine around here?
B: ____ a bank and several ATM machines just down the street.

4. Choose the best possible response:

A: The tickets are very expensive. Let's hope the show is good.
B: _________

5. Choose the best possible response:

A: _____ two bathrooms, or only one?
B: The apartment _____ only one bathroom, but there is a powder room.

6. Choose the best possible response:

A: All right. The question is, what ______ now that we know we have this problem?
B: You're right. We have to do something, and quickly.

7. Choose the best possible response:

A: Does anyone know ________ if you mix these two chemicals together?
B: An explosion.

8. Choose the best possible response:

A: OK. We now know what the problem is and we are looking for a solution. That's a start.
B: I suggest _____ Bob. He will know what to do

9. Choose the best possible response:

A: No one has a car in my family. _____ uses public transport.
B: No one has a car in my family either. We use bikes to get around.

10. Choose the best possible response:

A: The weather forecast says it's really cold today.
B: ______. I was outside already, and it's freezing out there.