ESL Blues Error Finder Quiz 6b

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1. Choose the best possible response:

A: How many _____ of sugar do you put in your coffee?
B: Six. I love my coffee sweet.

2. Choose the best possible response:

A: I hope you were OK being home alone while I was away.
B: I _____ everything you told me to, and more. I _____ my bed every morning, and _____ my homework before I watched TV.

3. Choose the best possible response:

If you _____ a good job I'll be very happy, and you will be too, because you'll _____ a lot of money.

4. Choose the best possible response:

When she fell, we thought she was hurt real bad, but _____ our surprise, she was fine.

5. Choose the best possible response:

A: I'm _____ a hurry, so I can't stop to chat right now, but I'll be free later. I have nothing _____ all planned for this evening.

6. Choose the best possible response:

A: Do you have any bread?
B: There should be _____ in the bread box.

7. Choose the best possible response:

A: Are you taking the bus?
B: No way! I'll be going ______ bike, as usual.

8. Choose the best possible response:

A: In winter the days are very short, so I plan my time very well. Shopping, for instance. I do my shopping _____ my lunch hour between twelve and one.

9. Choose the best possible response:

A: Do you use an air conditioner _____ night.
B: No way. I never use an air conditioner.

10. Choose the best possible response:

A: Do you still live _____ Clark Street.
B: No. I moved.