ESL Blues Error Finder Quiz 5

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1. Choose the best possible response:

A: Where are your friends tonight?
B: _____ at a party.

2. Choose the best possible response:

A: If I get sick and can't come to work, what _____ ?
B: Phone to tell us you're sick and we'll find someone to replace you.

3. Choose the best possible response:

I never put my elbows on the table when I eat. My mother _____ that it is not polite.

4. Choose the best possible response:

In this essay I _____ discuss the problem of modern relationships.

5. Choose the best possible response:

Everybody -- and that includes you and me -- _____ people to like them.

6. Choose the best possible response:

I don't know how _____ work and study at the same time.

7. Choose the best possible response:

Even though we love _____ very much, we both need time to be alone sometimes.

8. Choose the best possible response:

_____ very hungry, the canteen was a welcome sight.

9. Choose the best possible response:

There are always things in daily life that bother me, as _____ .

10. Choose the best possible response:

Traffic jams make _____ to get downtown.