ESL Blues

Somebody, Anyone Else Etc.

Start Quiz

1. Choose the best possible response:

A: I checked out all the gardens on your street. _____ is as beautiful as yours.
B:  That's good to know.

2. Choose the best possible response:

A: Don't listen to her. She lies all the time.
B:  I know that she lies about _____, but her stories are very funny.

3. Choose the best possible response:

A: Why does Joe always want to hang around with us?
B:  He doesn't know _____. His family only moved here 3 months ago.

4. Choose the best possible response:

A: Why don't you ask _____ for money? I don't like to lend people money.
B:  Because everyone I know is as broke as I am.

5. Choose the best possible response:

A: When you go out with your friend Sue, you always go to the same restaurant. Why is that?
B:  There's _____ to go.

6. Choose the best possible response:

A: You can't do all that heavy work by yourself. Isn't there _____ who can help you.
B:  It's all right. My brother's going to give me a hand.

7. Choose the best possible response:

A: James is really depressed right now. _____ gets him down.
B:  That's hard. I find exercise and meditation can help, but it takes time.

8. Choose the best possible response:

A: How did the party go last night?
B:  Fine at first, then _____ brought up the subject of politics. After that it was a disaster.

9. Choose the best possible response:

A: Why don't you buy an iphone like _____.
B:  Too expensive. And anyway, I like my little Android phone.

10. Choose the best possible response:

A: I'm so sad. _____ I know feels any affection for me.
B:  Stop whining and get a life. You sound like a bad pop song.